It will be necessary to “consider” the vaccination obligation, thinks the director of the High Authority of Health

We talk more and more about the vaccination obligation for caregivers, but some also talk about it for the rest of the population. This is the case of the director of the Haute Autorité de santé, Dominique Le Guludec. “You have to be massively vaccinated,” she said this Friday morning,
on BFMTV and RMC, explaining that depending on the health situation, it might be necessary to make anti-Covid-19 vaccination compulsory for those over 12 years old.

“Depending on the epidemic situation, what will happen, depending on the vaccination rate that has been reached, it will have to be considered,” explained the cardiologist. As of Thursday, more than half of the population had received a dose of the vaccine, but only one in three people is fully vaccinated. However, it would probably be necessary to reach 80% of fully vaccinated to hope to obtain “collective immunity” which could protect us globally from a new wave, with the Delta variant.

Dominique Le Guludec recalled that the vaccine was effective against variant contaminations formerly called Indian and reduced the chances of developing severe cases of the disease. However, this variant is also much more contagious. “A small percentage of a large number, that’s full of sick people at the end”: in short, without better vaccination coverage by the start of the school year we are heading straight for new health restrictions.

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