It is repaired… Metro line B reopens at noon this Thursday!

The metropolis had promised to reopen line B of the Rennes metro “before the end of spring”. We could be teasing and say that she did not keep her promise, summer having arrived this morning of Thursday June 20. But whatever the promises, let’s take the pleasure of saying it: line B will reopen at noon this Thursday! The announcement was made with some relief in a quick press release sent to the editorial staff this Thursday morning. The prefecture having given the green light, Keolis decided to restart its brand new line immediately. At noon this Thursday, the people of Rennes will once again be able to take advantage of their B line. Which will therefore be operational for the Fête de la Musique!

Sixteen trains already available

Sixteen of the 25 trains will be operational, ensuring the passage of a metro every 2 minutes 50 during peak hours. “This timing will make it possible to respond satisfactorily to demand during the summer, which traditionally remains a slower period,” explains Rennes Métropole.

The other trainsets will join the carousel as they are returned to operating condition. “Everything is being done so that users can benefit, at the start of the school year in September, from a service equivalent to that which existed before the incident, i.e. a frequency of 2 minutes 10 during peak hours,” promises the community.

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Line B had been stopped since January and the breakage of a part which had remained unnamed for a long time. Little “Jennifer” caused a lot of trouble for the metropolis, Keolis and Siemens Mobility, manufacturer of these brand new trains, pushing the company to change them on all 25 trains, or 100 pieces in total.

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