“Istanbul cat murderer”: animal abuser sentenced to two years in prison

Court ruling
He kicked her and killed her – now the “Cat Murderer of Istanbul” has to go to prison

Street cat in Istanbul. The Turkish city of millions is known for its semi-wild animals.

© Imago Images

A video sends Turkey into turmoil: a man meets a cat in an elevator. He then starts kicking her until she lies lifeless on the ground. A court has now handed down a verdict.

The Turkish metropolis Istanbul is known for its numerous street cats. The killing of one of them has now caused outrage among animal lovers beyond the city’s borders. A court has now sentenced the perpetrator to two and a half years in prison for “intentionally killing an animal,” as the DHA news agency reported. The judgment is not final.

The crime was captured on surveillance cameras and caused a nationwide outcry. You can see the now convicted man kicking a cat in an elevator and ultimately killing it. The man said he had psychological and family issues and lost his temper when he encountered the cat in the elevator, according to the DHA.

Threats against the cat killer

Videos on social media showed numerous trial observers chanting in the courthouse that the perpetrator was a murderer. The hashtag “Justice for Eros” was trending on Platform X – formerly Twitter. Eros is the name of the cat that was killed. Numerous social media users made threats against the perpetrator. According to the DHA, the defendant said in court that he could no longer go outside the door.

The perpetrator had already been sentenced to one year and three months. Shortly afterwards, the court reduced the sentence to three months for good behavior. The decision was appealed. The verdict can still be appealed.

Violence against animals in Turkey repeatedly makes headlines. Animal rights activists criticize the lax penalties and the lack of enforcement of existing laws against violence against animals.


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