Israel: Protests against judicial reform intensify – many arrests

“Day of Resistance”
Tens of thousands protest against judicial reform in Israel – but the project is progressing

Watch the video: Protests against judicial reform in Israel intensify.

STORY: In Israel, popular protests against the planned judicial reform of the right-wing religious coalition under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are intensifying. On Wednesday night, like here in Tel Aviv, thousands of demonstrators took to the streets across the country. They set fire to Bengalos and blocked roads. The security forces responded with water cannons, also to disperse the crowd. According to the police, dozens of people were arrested. The planned judiciary reform aims to reduce the powers of the Supreme Court while strengthening the position of the prime minister and the government. Critics see this as a threat to the separation of powers and thus to Israel’s democracy. However, the government intends to pass the law before the parliament’s summer recess at the end of July.

Tens of thousands of Israelis continue to take to the streets against the planned restructuring of the judiciary. The protests notwithstanding, an important part of the reform could clear another hurdle on Wednesday.

Until late on Wednesday, tens of thousands of Israelis took to the streets against the government’s controversial judicial reform. Tuesday had previously been proclaimed “Day of Resistance” by demonstrators. According to media reports from early Wednesday morning, dozens of demonstrators were arrested across the country. The Israel Doctors’ Association announced a two-hour warning strike for the morning. In addition, according to organizations, further rallies and disruptive actions are planned until the possible vote in parliament. The protest movement encompasses large sections of Israeli society. The pressure on the government, especially from the military, is increasing massively.

Despite the massive protests in the country, Israel’s government wants to push ahead with its project. An important part of the comprehensive legislative project could already be passed in parliament next Sunday. According to media reports, the government wants to convene a special session. Before that, the Judiciary Committee is expected to approve the bill on Wednesday and submit it to the Knesset. On Tuesday, after days of deliberation, the committee began voting on several thousand reservations from the opposition. It is expected that none of the proposed amendments will be adopted and that the text of the law will then be sent to Parliament.

Israeli President Herzog delivers speech to US Congress

During a meeting with US President Joe Biden in Washington on Tuesday, Israel’s President tried to calm the most important ally. “Israeli democracy is solid, strong and resilient,” said Izchak Herzog. At the same time, he described the domestic political situation in Israel as a “crisis” from which he was looking for a way out.

Following the meeting, the White House said Biden and Herzog discussed the need for a “consensus approach” to judicial reform. In the conversation, Biden also emphasized that he still considers the two-state solution to be the “best way” to achieve a lasting and just peace in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In addition, Biden believes additional measures are necessary to improve the security and economic situation in the West Bank and to prevent terrorist attacks.

Herzog is scheduled to give a speech to the US Congress on Wednesday (5:00 p.m. CEST). He is the second Israeli president to address Congress after his father, Chaim Herzog. The speech will mark the 75th anniversary of the State of Israel. In the evening, Herzog wants to meet with US Vice President Kamala Harris in the White House. The Netanyahu government’s sweeping bill is expected to be an issue again.

Controversial Plans

With the latest draft law, the Supreme Court should no longer be able to judge decisions by the government or individual ministers as “inappropriate”. Earlier this year, the Supreme Court ruled that the appointment of Shas party leader Arie Deri as interior minister was “inappropriate” because of his criminal past. As a result, Netanyahu had to fire his confidante.

Observers expect that the coalition wants to reverse this with the new law. Critics also fear that opponents of government policy in key positions could be arbitrarily dismissed.


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