Isère: a fire threatens two factories storing gas, residents evacuated

Since Friday evening, a fire ravages a forest in the steep Chartreuse sector, above La Buisse and Voreppe, in Isère, after a lightning strike. If, according to France Blue Iserethe firefighters had completely controlled the blaze on the Voreppe side, the situation deteriorated overnight from Saturday to Sunday, due to a violent wind, forcing the evacuation of several inhabitants.

In a situation report at 6 p.m., the Isère prefecture announced the evacuation of several hamlets threatened by the advance of the fire. “Four Canadair-type planes and two planes to disperse retardant product will be mobilized and a reconnaissance plane arrives in the area”, also writes the prefecture, in a press release published on its website. Means to which are added two helicopter water bombers and many firefighters on the ground.

The flames have thus gained ground, to cover at midday, this Sunday, 50 hectares. But above all, the fire threatens two factories containing gas located a little lower. For the mayor of Voreppe, Luc Rémond, interviewed by France Bleu Isère, the situation is difficult to manage. “It’s quite rare in our region and so it’s a moment that always triggers anxiety,” he explains.

The evacuation of Lake Paladru, in which the Canadairs recharge, was launched at the end of the afternoon, this Sunday, reports The Dauphine Libere.

According The Dauphine Libere, the area burned by the Voreppe fire, which also affects the town of La Buisse, increased from 20 hectares on Saturday morning to 25 on Saturday evening. For the firefighters, the fight against the flames is very delicate, the affected areas being difficult to access. Since the beginning of summer, many fires ravage forests in Gironde, but also in Brittany and in the south-east of France.

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