Is learning to trap animals on the “nature” baccalaureate program?

Who goes hunting, passes his baccalaureate? In a highly commented publication on his Facebook page, environmental activist Pierre Rigaux ensures that training for the pro “nature” baccalaureate, whose official name is Management of natural environments and wildlife (GMNF) “includes the approval of trapper” , “A title allowing to trap foxes, martens, weasels…)”. He supports his point by referring to the information leaflet of a French high school which offers this diploma.

“The trapper’s certificate in the bac program! […] What does trapping have to do with such a formation? This professional bac is conducted in partnership with the Departmental Federation of Hunters. Its representatives intervene [sic] regularly throughout the training. According to a high school official whom I contacted, a nature protection association also intervenes, in good agreement (the League for the protection of birds); according to him, there is no reason for the two approaches (hunters / environmental association) to disagree. […] “

A post published on Facebook by naturalist Pierre Rigaux. – Screenshot

Further on, Pierre Rigaux wonders: “to talk about ecology, agriculture or wildlife to high school students, do we need people whose passion is to kill for fun? “The question is delicate … For the activist, it is clearly about activities that benefit” the hunting lobby “. But is the first assertion, according to which the passage of the certification of trapper is in the program of this training, correct? 20 minutes make the point.


Trapping is indeed part of the program activities of this professional baccalaureate. In the last program published in 2018 by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, trapping is part of the list of “population regulation operations” in the same way as “samples, capture, reintroduction, restocking”. According to a
work document which gives the next diploma benchmarks, trapping should always be part of the learning to be mastered by students at the start of the 2022 school year.

Regarding the systematic nature of the approval, this seems to depend on the interpretation of the programs made by the high schools. In one pedagogical recommendations document, dated 2010, it is indicated that “the acquisition of a trapper’s license could complement the training system with advantage”. There is no mention of an obligation for students to acquire this official recognition.

A “not compulsory” approval

Asked about this, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food told 20 minutes “That to date, the authorization of trapper is not compulsory”. However, “young people can be offered to pass this approval in certain high schools, but they do not have to do so to have their baccalaureate. It is a possibility open to them, ”he adds. Still according to the ministry, “trapping must be seen as a means of professional integration when it comes to the fight against species classified as invasive or harmful (nutria, muskrat, fox, wild boar, etc.)”.

To become a certified trapper, it is necessary to participate in a trapping training session organized by the Federation of Hunters of its department of residence. Approval is then issued by the prefecture.

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