iPhone 16: Leaks and rumors about the new Apple flagship

Although the new iPhone 16 won’t be unveiled until fall 2024, the tech world is buzzing with rumors. We’ll reveal what we know so far and which rumors make us particularly curious here.

Alleged leaks and insider information about the iPhone 16 have been around for months. The industry is speculating, for example, whether the new iPhone will have a special button to trigger the camera. Alleged test dummies of the new 16 family are said to indicate new screen sizes, as ntv.de reported. Improvements to the camera and faster chips are also expected. We reveal here what the rumors are true and what we can (most likely) expect with the iPhone 16.

iPhone 16: Action button for everyone?

In the past, Apple has given its new basic or Plus smartphones features or designs from the previous year’s Pro models. It is therefore expected that the Action Button will be available for all models in the iPhone 16 family.

The Action Button was introduced for the current iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max models. The additional button on the side can be assigned to individual functions. Depending on your preferences, you can then dictate a voice message, open your favorite app, or turn on the flashlight. If you want to get to know the Action Button and other functions of the current iPhone 15 for yourself, you can find suitable cell phones with and without a tariff at Vodafone.

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Is there a new camera button coming for the iPhone 16?

As the Apple insiders at Macrumors.com report, the iPhone 16 could get an additional button. The so-called capture button is said to be attached to the side of the case. Although the button is said to work mechanically, new special functions still seem possible according to industry experts. For example, users could zoom in or out in camera mode by swiping left or right on the button.

Another feature of the capture button could be a multi-mechanical function. By lightly pressing the button, users could focus on certain subjects in photo and video mode. The recording is only triggered when the button is fully pressed. This is reminiscent of the handling of SLR cameras, where the shutter release works in a similar way. The iPhone 15 Pro Max also has an impressive triple camera with a telephoto lens and ultra-wide angle. The high-end device is available on eBay at the current low price.

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Improved camera technology and overhauled lens arrangement

Speaking of cameras: Industry insiders at Macrumors.com have obtained leaked images that are supposed to show production molds for the new iPhone 16. The production molds show that the cameras of the iPhone 16 are apparently arranged vertically again. The cluster arrangement as in the current iPhone 15 seems to have had its day.

The new cameras will also be equipped with a super telephoto zoom, which will significantly improve the zoom options. Focal lengths of at least 300 millimeters would then be possible.

New processors and AI

The iPhone 16 will most likely be equipped with new and more powerful processors. Insiders expect the A18 chip, which should have enough power to make advanced AI functions usable.

At the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) 2024, Apple presented comprehensive AI strategies. Thanks to new AI functions, Siri should be able to serve as a mobile assistant, voice-to-text options are to be improved, and even controlling iPads and iPhones could be possible in the future using eye movements alone thanks to artificial intelligence. It is not clear whether such features will already be possible with the iPhone 16 processors. Apple also made it clear that the AI ​​features will not be available in the EU for the time being due to the EU digital law DMA.

The current iPhone 15 Pro Max still uses the A17 processor. This is considered to be fast, powerful and reliable. Freenet mobile communications offers the iPhone 15 Pro Max with a 15 gigabyte tariff in the Telekom network.

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iPhone 16: What’s in store?

The new Apple model will certainly bring many small and exciting changes and improvements. However, groundbreaking innovations in design are unlikely. The 16 family will also be visually based on its predecessors. We will find out what is ultimately under the hood in autumn 2024. Until then, Apple fans can still make do with the very good iPhone 15 Pro Max.

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