investigation opened after the disappearance of millions of euros ch

Illustration of Bitcoin. – STRF / STAR MAX / IPx / AP / SIPA

Cryptocurrencies are increasingly attracting greed, especially those of organized gangs. An investigation was opened by the cybercrime section of the Paris prosecutor’s office to find between 40 and 58 million euros, according to the specialized press, of virtual currencies managed by an association based near Dijon in Côte-d’Or, has t – we learned Tuesday evening from a judicial source.

The investigations for “theft in an organized group, attacks on an automated data processing system and money laundering in an organized group” were entrusted to the Central Office for the fight against crime linked to information and communication technologies (OLTIC ), the Central Office for the Repression of Major Financial Crime (OCRGDF) and the Dijon judicial police.

An association not registered with the AMF

Several thousand members of RR Crypto, specialist in the management of cryptocurrencies, were warned Sunday evening by the president and founder of the association that the entrusted funds disappeared after “the portfolio of crypto-assets” opened on the platform Binance specialist has been ‘reset’, recount Le Journal du Coin and the newspaper Good public. This association was not one of the 18 companies registered with the Autorité des marchés (AMF) for the management and exchange of digital assets, according to the AMF website.

This case shows that “we must recommend that people always be careful when it comes to investments in cryptocurrencies, and to turn only to service providers on digital assets registered” with the AMF, believes Manuel Valente, the Scientific director of Coinhouse, registered for his part with the gendarme of the Stock Exchange. Moreover, in addition to this disappearance, investors are currently facing a fall in the prices of cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin thus fell below the $ 30,000 mark on Tuesday, for the first time since the end of January.

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