Invested candidates, strengths and challenges… We take stock in the Alpes-Maritimes

Within certain parties, the composition of the lists of candidates for the legislative elections has not yet been completely finalized. In the Alpes-Maritimes (and sometimes elsewhere), it’s decided for Les Républicains (LR), Together, Reconquest! and the National Rally (RN). But we will have to wait a little longer for the New Popular Ecological and Social Union (Nupes) which will present its candidates for the nine constituencies of the department, Saturday morning, during a picnic in Nice, even if the names for the Nice constituencies are already out. The deadline for submitting applications is Friday, May 20 at 6 p.m.

Waiting, 20 minutes takes stock of the forces present and the challenges of the different territories for which the aspirants will fight on June 12 and 19.

In the first constituency

It is the only constituency where Eric Zemmour’s party has not presented a candidate, leaving the field open to Eric Ciotti (LR) on his land, which includes the city center of Nice and the port Lympia, where he has been elected since 2007. Facing him, Christian Estrosi, through the party of the President of the Republic which he supports, has placed Graig Monetti, his deputy delegate for youth but also chief of staff to the Minister of Higher Education Frederique Vidal. For the National Rally, it will be Muriel Vitetti and for the left alliance, Anne-Laure Chaintron.

In the second constituency

In the second constituency, which includes Carros, Vence, the north of Grasse, Puget-Théniers, Saint-Vallier-de-Thiey, Coursegoules and Saint-Auban, Loïc Dombreval will be the presidential majority candidate. Outgoing deputy, he was very active during his mandate, in particular on the defense of the animal cause. Facing him, Patrick Isnard, the Alpes-Maritimes coordinator of the Reconquest! party, Jean Marc Macario with the LRs and Lionel Tivoli for the RN.

In the third constituency

It is surely in this constituency, which includes the north of Nice, La Trinité, Saint-André-de-la-Roche and Falicon, that there is the greatest number of candidates. To represent the party of Marine Le Pen, Benoît Kandel (who went through Reconquest! at the time of the presidential election and finally returned to the RN) takes the place of Philippe Vardon. The latter still presents himself as an independent. Within the presidential majority too, there are surprises. The outgoing deputy Cédric Roussel, who was not invested in favor of the deputy mayor of Nice Philippe Pradal, is also a candidate. Even on the left, where an alliance was supposed to be made for these elections, two candidates presented themselves: Enzo Giusti for Nupes and Dominique Boy-Mottard, under the banner of the Radical Left Party (PRG). The LRs chose Laurent Castillo and Reconquest!, Hermine Falicon.

In the fourth constituency

On the side of Menton and its surroundings, Damien Rieu, one of the co-founders of the nationalist and far-right movement Génération Identitaire, dissolved in March 2021, represents Reconquête! He will be against the outgoing Renaissance candidate Alexandra Valetta-Ardisson, the candidate of the National Rally Alexandra Masson and Roger Roux for the Republicans.

In the fifth constituency

In West Nice, the Nupes chose Philippe Benassaya and the RN took the Toulousain Frank Khalifa. The LRs have invested Christelle D’Intorni, in the absence of Marine Brenier, the outgoing deputy, who is standing but under the colors of the presidential majority. For Eric Zemmour’s party, it will be Cédric Vella.

In the sixth constituency

Further west still, for the municipalities of Cagnes-sur-Mer and Saint-Laurent du Var, it is the mayor of La Colle-sur-Loup, Jean-Bernard Mion (ex-LR), who is invested by Whole. The Republicans have renewed their confidence in outgoing MP Laurence Trastou. The RN leaves with Bryan Massson and Reconquest! with Dennis Cieslik.

In the seventh constituency

Towards Antibes, Eric Pauget, the outgoing deputy, is standing again for Les Républicains. He will face Audrey Marius for Reconquête!, Eric Mele, invested by Ensemble and Tanguy Cornec of the National Rally.

In the eighth constituency

In Cannes, in the eighth constituency, some had speculated that Eric Zemmour would be a candidate. He will finally be in contention in the Var and gives way to Adrien Grosjean (ex-FN) in this city where Reconquest! won 17.31% in the first round of the presidential election. For the Republicans, with the support of Mayor David Lisnard, the chosen candidate is Alexandra Martin. Dorette Landerer to represent the RN and for the presidential majority, it will be the Mandelocien Jean-Valéry Desens.

In the ninth constituency

In the constituency which includes Le Cannet, the south of Grasse and Mougins, Mayaa-Patience Tudiesche is the last candidate invested for Together. Michèle Tabarot represents herself for a possible new mandate under the colors of the Republicans. She has been a member of this constituency since 2002. Facing her, Paul N’Guyen for Reconquest! and Franck Galbert for Marine Le Pen’s party.

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