Infection Protection Act: SPD open to tightening

Proposal paper
SPD wants to push the booster campaign – pharmacists and veterinarians should also vaccinate

SPD Chancellor candidate Olaf Scholz a few days ago at the Federal Jusos Congress in Frankfurt / Main

© Frank Rumpenhorst / DPA

First they relaxed the Infection Protection Act, now the SPD is again in favor of tightening it. She has summarized her demands in a six-point plan.

In the deliberations of the federal and state governments on the corona situation, the SPD side has shown itself ready to tighten the recently amended Infection Protection Act again. One of the SPD proposals includes an examination by the federal government of the extent to which the law needs to be amended so that the highly infection countries will have an appropriate toolbox available in the future, according to a proposal paper available to the German press agency. This could also include, for example, “temporary closings of restaurants”.

The SPD also presents a point plan for tightened measures

As the “Rheinische Post” and the “Spiegel” report, the SPD-governed federal states are also planning to promote booster vaccinations. The “Rheinische Post” quotes from the paper for the current federal-state vote that one wants to expand the group of “authorized persons to carry out vaccinations”. In the short term, doctors and nurses should be sent to the pharmacies, but in the long term pharmacists and veterinarians should also be able to administer the corona vaccine.

Similar to the Union countries, the SPD has also submitted a six-point proposal to combat the pandemic. In it, the party emphasizes that up to 30 million vaccinations will be needed by Christmas. This includes both the initial and the booster vaccination. In addition, the Social Democrats are calling for the full vaccination status to expire after six months. Then a refresher would be necessary. The SPD wants to introduce a 2G regulation nationwide in retail – with the exception of supermarkets and drug stores.

Similar to the Union, the SPD is also calling for stricter contact restrictions for unvaccinated people.


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