Independent Cardano Development Team Announces Big, Ambitious Plans for 2023

Sebastien Guillemot, co-founder and CTO of Cardano’s DCSpark crypto ecosystem development team, outlined the 2022 outlook and revealed plans for 2023 for Cardano with its Flint wallet and the Milkomeda protocol.

dcSpark’s goal for the new year is to launch. The zero-knowledge Layer 2 rollup follows the trend of zk protocols over the past few months, however, the developers have yet to provide any details.

other goals Among the development team’s initiatives is the launch of the GameFi project running on the Milkomeda network. It also outlines the goal of achieving decentralization of the Milkomeda protocol running through the Ethereum Virtual Machine.

Among the successes of last year Sebastien Guillemot cited the full launch of the first Flint wallet on Cardano.

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