Incompressible perpetuity for Abdeslam, end of the NATO summit and battle for the Finance Commission

Did you miss the news this early morning? We’ve put together a recap to help you see things more clearly.

After 149 days of hearing, Salah Abdeslam is officially sentenced. The specially composed Assize Court delivered its verdict on Wednesday evening. And, the only survivor of the terrorist commandos of Paris and Saint-Denis received the incompressible life prison sentence. In front of a full house, in barely fifty minutes, President Jean-Louis Périès sealed the fate of the 14 defendants who had appeared since September and of the 6 men tried in their absence and presumed dead in Iraq or Syria. Our journalist, Hélène Sergent, present in court, tells you from the inside about this historic and particularly important judicial evening for the victims and also their families.

Relations continue to sour between NATO and Russia. The Alliance, whose summit in Madrid ends on Thursday, has promised to support Ukraine as long as necessary in the face of Moscow’s “cruelty”, a support denounced by Vladimir Putin who castigated the “imperialist ambitions” of the Covenant. The story was obviously not at all the same in kyiv. “This is a special summit, a transformation summit, the Alliance is changing its strategy in response to Russia’s aggressive anti-European policies”, welcomed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, after having “called on the countries of the ‘NATO to accelerate the delivery to Ukraine of missile defense systems and significantly increase the pressure on the terrorist state’.

Who will be this Thursday at the head of the Finance Committee at the National Assembly? More than the name of the person, the battle rages to know the political label of the future winner. The rebellious Eric Coquerel is the favorite against his rival RN Jean-Philippe Tanguy, and the LR Véronique Louwagie is in ambush. Traditionally, this position is reserved for the opposition group with the most MPs. If the RN ticks this condition, LFI does not intend to leave him this particularly strategic position. The vote of the LRs will therefore be decisive.

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