Germany’s hospitals are currently complaining of above-average staff shortages and lead this to the Effects of the omicron wave back. Almost three quarters of the clinics report higher staff shortages in patient-related areas than is usual at this time of year, according to a survey by the German Hospital Institute of more than 240 clinics in the middle of the week.
In 12 percent of the hospitals, the staff shortages are even significantly higher than usual. According to the survey, more than 20 percent more employees are sick here than usual in winter. The chairman of the German Hospital Society, Gerald Gaß: “The data suggest that the significantly higher staff absences are due to omicron infections among hospital employees.”
According to the hospital company, sick leave is particularly high among nursing staff. One in five hospitals stated that more than 20 percent more nursing staff than usual at this time of year were sick. The staff shortages are “currently a much bigger problem than in normal years,” said Gass.
Every second hospital stated in the survey that currently not being able to fully operate its beds on the general wards due to the lack of staff, almost every second says this about their intensive care units.