Incidence 372.7: Biontech boss – this is how long the vaccination protection lasts

D.he increase in the nationwide seven-day incidence of new corona infections continues. As the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) announced on Sunday morning, citing data from the health authorities, the value increased to 372.7 and thus reached a new high for the 14th day in a row. On Saturday the incidence was 362.2, on Sunday last week it was 289.0.

The seven-day incidence indicates the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days. On November 8, the value had exceeded the threshold of 200 and thus the previous high since the start of the pandemic of 197.6. Since then, new highs have been recorded every day.

As the RKI announced on Sunday, 42,727 new infections were registered nationwide within 24 hours. The death toll from the pandemic in Germany rose by 75 to 99,062 cases. As a rule, fewer case numbers are reported at the weekend, partly because fewer tests are carried out.

Biontech boss Ugur Sahin considers his vaccine to be very effective despite the vaccination breakthroughs. The vaccine will only decrease “from the fourth month”, says Sahin of the “Bild am Sonntag” according to a preliminary report. The protection against a serious illness is still very high up to the ninth month. Sahin recommends a booster to refresh the vaccination, which is “very good before illness, but it also helps to break other chains of infection.” Sahin expects annual booster vaccinations in the future, similar to influenza.

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5:30 a.m. – Green expert calls for preparation for patient transfers

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The Green health expert Janosch Dahmen is calling for comprehensive preparations for patient transfers to other clinics due to the sustained sharp increase in corona infections. This is “a coordinative effort” that should be controlled early and centrally, said the member of the Bundestag of the German press agency. “It is quite realistic that hundreds of patients will have to be transferred shortly.” For this challenge, an operative federal-state crisis team, which should have been in place since the beginning of the pandemic, is finally needed.

“As early as next week, numerous intensive care units will no longer be able to accept new patients,” warned Dahmen. In the south and east of the country, the supply capacities will not be sufficient for the foreseeable future. “Since we know that around 0.7 percent of all newly infected people will end up in the intensive care unit, we can already reliably predict the need for intensive care beds for the next ten days.” Therefore, we must now start with cross-border coordination and the logistical organization of patient distribution . “This can only be done centrally and not by unloading it onto shoulders that are already overloaded.”

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5:02 a.m. – Industry expects a difficult winter

The concerns of German industry, which is suffering from a lack of materials, are growing in view of the rapidly increasing number of corona infections. “The latest development in international infection increases the risks for industrial production this winter massively,” said Joachim Lang, General Manager of the Federation of German Industries (BDI). “Even without new public corona restrictions, a renewed noticeable reluctance to buy is to be feared. Fortunately, the order books in many industries are still well filled at the moment. “

However, many manufacturers cannot process the well-filled order books as usual due to delivery bottlenecks. This dampens production, as can be seen from the current BDI industry report, which is available to the German Press Agency. According to the latest data from the Federal Statistical Office, industrial production had recently fallen. According to the BDI, it hits hard among other things, the car manufacturers who suffer from a shortage of raw materials and semiconductors.

“We expect production in the manufacturing sector to increase by only four percent in 2021 – half as much as before,” said Lang. In order to reach the level before the Corona crisis, German industry would then have to grow by seven and a half percent in the coming year.

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5:01 am – Transport companies prepare for 3G rule

Deutsche Bahn wants to announce at the beginning of the week how it will deal with the new 3G rule for passengers. “DB is preparing to implement the latest federal and state resolutions to combat the corona pandemic,” said a spokesman. Expect the new rules to take effect later this week.

Due to the sharp rise in corona numbers, the Bundestag and Bundesrat had decided that passengers on buses and trains must be vaccinated, recovered or tested (3G). It is expected that the regulation will take effect from the middle of the week.

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4:20 a.m. – Seven-day incidence rises to 372.7

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reports 42,727 positive tests within 24 hours. That is 9229 cases more than on Sunday a week ago, when 33,498 new infections were reported. The seven-day incidence rose to a record 372.7 from 362.2 the previous day. The value indicates how many people per 100,000 inhabitants have been infected with the corona virus in the past seven days. 75 other people died related to the virus. This increases the number of reported deaths within one day to 99,062. In total, more than 5.35 million corona tests have so far been positive in Germany.

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Julian Nida-Rümelin (for all WELT comments and columns) official and current press photo 2020 © Diane von Schoen

01:45 am – Biontech boss Ugur Sahin – vaccine very effective despite the vaccination breakthroughs

Biontech boss Ugur Sahin considers his vaccine to be very effective despite the vaccination breakthroughs. The vaccine will only decrease “from the fourth month”, says Sahin of the “Bild am Sonntag” according to a preliminary report. The protection against a serious illness is still very high up to the ninth month. Sahin recommends a booster to refresh the vaccination, which is “very good before illness, but it also helps to break other chains of infection.” Sahin expects annual booster vaccinations in the future, similar to influenza.

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12:20 a.m. – Pediatricians warn of renewed school closings

In view of the tougher rules for pandemic containment, pediatricians warn against renewed school closings. “We have found in various studies that the main infections in children and adolescents do not happen in schools, but in the family environment,” says the President of the German Society for Child and Adolescent Medicine (DGKJ), Jörg Dötsch, of the Rheinische Post “.

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In addition, most infections do not occur during school days, but rather during the holidays. “The schools are currently helping to control infections in children – especially regular testing, wearing masks and hygiene are crucial.” The professional association of paediatricians (BVKJ) stated that school and daycare closings are never primarily for protection of children and adolescents, but above all to protect unvaccinated adults.

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