In the Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Jean Lassalle will not stand again

The ex-presidential candidate Jean Lassalle, will not finally stand for legislative elections next June, in the 4th district of Pyrénées-Atlantiques, announces this Monday France Bleu, information confirmed by AFP. He announced that he had to undergo open-heart surgery.

Jean Lassalle had asked a few days ago “forgiveness” to the inhabitants of his commune of Lourdios-Ichère, whose votes were canceled by the Constitutional Council because he publicly staged his abstention in the 2nd round in an office. of voting.

His brother could run for the seat

In a letter to Laurent Fabius, President of the Constitutional Council, published Thursday on social networks, the deputy of Pyrénées-Atlantiques even says he is ready to “answer from [son] act and to pay the possible consequences provided for by law: prison sentence, withdrawal of my civic rights, fines…”, provided that the Council lifts its sanctions against the Bearn village of which he was mayor for four decades.

For the June legislative elections, it is his brother Julien Lassalle who could be a candidate in his place.

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