In the middle of Aying – Greetings from Ochsensepp – District of Munich

What joy would the Ochsensepp have had with this poster? Josef Müller, son of a farmer and founder of the CSU as well as its first chairman, acquired this memorable nickname at a young age when he earned something extra during the holidays as a truck driver. The Ochsensepp remained Müller all his life, although he caught up with the Abitur after the war and even got a doctorate in political science (“Dr. oec. Publ.”) After studying law.

Said poster, which would have been in the spirit of the ox sepps, is in the Ayinger district of Göggenhofen on Rosenheimer Straße. Two big googly eyes look directly at you from this poster, the ears are set up vigilantly, the green is so lush and the sky as blue as it can only be possible in Bavaria. And directly below the cattle-Flotzmauls the writing: “Good for Bavaria. Preserve home. Strengthen farmers.” Only the CSU can do that. So carry clichés in front of you in such a striking way and position them at the roadside in rural areas. How would such a sign look like in front of the Ballhausforum in Unterschleißheim? Or on the Medienallee in Unterföhring? The Airbus headquarters in Ottobrunn? In the village, however, shortly before the transition to the foothills of the Alps, the Christian Socials apparently want to score with an idyll that actually no longer exists in the Munich district.

Let’s see how the voters will appreciate this demonstrative solidarity with the farmers in the election in less than two weeks. Especially in a region where the Ayinger local association of social democrats disbanded not so long ago. But Aying is also no longer a safe bank for the CSU; Although she has been the mayor here since last year, she is far from the results of earlier times in the municipal council. The cow on the poster doesn’t care what happens in two weeks. If only the meadows remained so lush and the sky so blue.


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