In southern Lebanon, “we already have the impression that everything has changed” – Libération


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The war between Hamas and Israelcase

Between Hezbollah’s war-mongering speeches and the fear that the violence between Hamas and Israel will be exported to their territory, the Lebanese are waiting.

The silence is overwhelming, broken here by a strike, there by the buzz of a plane… sometimes punctuated by words that the Lebanese population struggles to formulate: “The war is coming, we can feel it.” This is what is said in southern Lebanon. In recent days, exchanges of artillery fire have increased between Hezbollah and the Israeli army, most targeting military positions. One of them has, however, already cost the life of a journalist, Issam Abdallah, a Reuters colleague who died under an Israeli strike, far from Hezbollah positions. In this region, the population knows its destiny is tossed and turned, hanging on the possible opening of a front.

“You tell them that you are ready to fight”

The town of Khiam lies to the east of a road running along the heights of the border fence. Stronghold of the Hezbollah militia, it is burdened with the weight of the bitterness left in history by the fighting and

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