In Paris, the Maison de Marion supports victims of school bullying

On the top floor of a maternal center in the 13th arrondissement of Paris, the association Marion the outstretched hand moved into a large apartment to accommodate young victims of bullying and cyberbullying. This second Marion’s house » opened its doors in Paris on November 18, for the national day of mobilization against school bullying. It accompanies young people from 4 to 23 years old 43% middle school students, 33% elementary school children victims of this problem which affects one in ten children in France.

Why do abusers abuse? » This is a question that we do not ask at the Maison de Marion so as not to be tempted to find excuses for the aggressors. However, the association also supports bullies at the request of their schools. Often excluding them is not enough to solve the problem and the establishments see in us a positive and proactive approach to breaking the dynamics of violence. », explains one of the clinical psychologists of the association, created by Nora Fraisse after the suicide of her daughter Marion, 13, victim of harassment. Among the attackers, many are former victims of bullying who have chosen to switch to the other side to ensure that they are never bullied again »she assures.

People come to us as a last resort »

Many establishments, on average 22 establishments per month, also make awareness requests to the association. With each intervention in the schools, there are students who realize that what they are experiencing is not normal », says Nora Fraisse. These children experience school bullying but also intra-family violence or incest. For her, awareness is child protection ». Victims in care have access to psychological support and can take part in workshops to connect victims.

In 2021, the association received more than 5,000 email requests from victim families. Requests are sorted according to the urgency of the situation. People come to see us as a last resort, says Manon, clinical psychologist at Maison de Marion. They have already done everything, call 3020, contact the academy… » A student’s mother says that she turned to the association when she was exhausted and didn’t know what to do. » Her 12-year-old son started having anxiety attacks and developing psychomotor problems because of the bullying. He could not get up or walk for several hours. » Despite appointments with the school administration, the filing of a handbook or even the appeal to the harassment referent of the department, the situation of his son has not improved. I then turned to the Maison de Marion because I knew the story of Nora Fraisse. She inspired me with confidence. »

This mother denounces the lack of resources allocated to the fight against harassment, which leaves the victims destitute. Parliament has just created an offense of school bullying, intended to criminalize this practice. However, this law is an admission of failure since if there is harassment, it’s too late, the damage is done », believes Nora Fraisse. The founder of the association offers an alternative solution for those who have not been able to help through institutional channels. Necessary support since, according to her, the main danger in bullying is feeling alone, having no one to talk to. »

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