In Lyon and Grenoble, voters place the Greens at the head of the ballot

If Laurent Wauquiez came out on top of the 12 departments of the greater Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, and if more than one in two voters slipped a ballot in his favor, the votes remain disparate from one city to the next. ‘other. Evidenced by the results recorded this Sunday evening in Lyon and Grenoble, the two largest cities in the region, currently led by environmentalists.

A year after the municipal elections, Lyonnais and Grenoblois have again chosen to place the Greens at the top of their votes. The environmental candidate Fabienne Grebert obtained 62.73% of the vote in Grenoble, stronghold of Eric Piolle, thus relaying Laurent Wauquiez to more than 30 points (30.29%) and Andrea Kotarac very far behind. The head of the list of the RN barely reaches 7% since it totals precisely 6.99% of the vote.

In Lyon, the polls delivered the same verdict. Les Gones, who elected Grégory Doucet as mayor last summer, placed Fabienne Grebert at the top of their votes. With 47.63%, the elected ecologist wins by a hair against Laurent Wauquiez (45.4%). Andrea Kotarac obtains 6.95% of the vote.

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