In Lille, Anne Hidalgo presents her “reconquest project” and tries to relaunch

“I come to carry a project of reconquest. Social, ecological, democratic ”, declared Anne Hidalgo during her first big meeting in Lille on Saturday. In front of 1,700 people, the mayor of Paris unleashed her blows against the outgoing Emmanuel Macron and the right by defending “a candidacy that refuses the identity surrender”, and unleashed her blows against the outgoing Emmanuel Macron. The presidential candidate declared in Rouen a month and a half ago, vegetates in the voting intentions, around 4 to 7%, behind the ecologist Yannick Jadot and the rebellious Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

“I am here for the people of France, so that after so much indifference and condescension, we do them justice and consideration […] I carry France within me as only someone who has chosen it can carry it, ”said this naturalized Spanish immigrant at the age of 14. “I represent what many of our adversaries would like to silence: a woman, leftist, of foreign origin, deeply European. I am the ones some of whom seek to crush their voices. “

A law for “the right to die with dignity”

Placing itself as “heir to the social struggles” of Lionel Jospin, François Hollande and Ségolène Royal, she has spelled out a long series of proposals, and first of all “a decent remuneration for each and everyone. Dignified for the first of chores by increasing wages, and worthy for the first of the roped, who must equitably share the added value in the companies ”.

Anne Hidalgo also wants to launch “a policy to massively encourage unionism”, set up “universal unemployment insurance”, and make mental health “a great cause” of her five-year term. It also plans to generalize “the regulation of rents in tense areas”, to create “a public early childhood service” and to put in place a law for “the right to die with dignity”.

Increase teachers’ salaries

The candidate will also bring in the campaign the objectives, among others, to bring to “60% of an age group the number of higher education graduates”, “to achieve carbon neutrality in 2050”, “a profound reform of our institutions “, And” a law of social programming from the summer of 2022, to achieve total equality of wages in 5 years “between men and women.

In terms of education, Anne Hidalgo repeated her proposal, criticized by her opponents who deem it unrealistic, “to double the treatment of all people in contact with students, or to start, to align minimum wages new teachers on the salary of bac + 5 ”. From an ecological point of view, it notably plans to set up a “climate TFR” for “wealthy households whose assets emit the most carbon”.

Support left

While two-thirds of left sympathizers want a union of their camp in the first round, according to an Ipsos poll, the candidate must convince that she can create a dynamic and make people forget the failure of the last presidential election for the PS ( 6.3% for Benoît Hamon). Around the mayor of Lille Martine Aubry, first political mentor of Anne Hidalgo, the former Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve declared Saturday his “absolute support” and Olivier Faure assured her that she could “count on all the activists “.

“It’s gone”, exclaimed at the end of the meeting the deputy Boris Vallaud, while the mayor of Saint-Denis Mathieu Hanotin appreciated “the anchoring of the values ​​of the left”. “One thing is certain, the left will be present in the presidential election, and with a woman,” said Michael Delafosse, mayor of Montpellier. Absent, the former head of state, François Hollande, very critical of the crumbling of the left and its “Lilliputian” candidacies, assured that he would vote for her.

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