“I’m not afraid of anything, I get up every time,” says Nabilla

“The only sign that scares me is Scorpio. You are not Scorpio? “Asks Nabilla Vergara in the middle of an interview. We reassure her: she is facing a Libra. If the zodiac bothers her, it’s not for nothing: she is the host of Cosmic Love, a dating show whose first episodes are posted this Friday on Amazon Prime Video. Four young women will try to find their half among twelve single people, representing as many astrological signs. Horoscope compatibility is at the heart of the concept. The opportunity to angle our interview on astrology…

In 2020, you took your first steps as an animator in Love Island, for the same streaming platform, but filming had been halted due to the pandemic. Do you really like the animation?

I adore ! In Cosmic LoveI take up much more space than in Love Island – at the time, I was just starting out, I was learning. I am the mistress of ceremonies but also the accompanist of the candidates and the voiceover. It’s a completely different aspect of the job. I like to give rhythm to the show, I feel quite comfortable.

You have taken part in reality TV shows as a candidate, how do you feel about going to the other side, that of the presentation?

It takes me back ten years, it’s weird. I know what the candidates felt, I was able to put myself in their place, understand their fears, their anxieties. Some had to make difficult choices. I knew what to say to them to revive them, to guess what they might be thinking.

Cosmic Love is centered on astrology. Do you read your horoscope every day?

Not every day. Once a month, to give me an overview. I don’t like knowing what’s going to happen the next day. I don’t like clairvoyance, things that are too advanced. Destiny is written, life is as it is.

Did the show teach you things about astrology or change your point of view on the subject?

Yes, because I only knew my sign and not my ascendant. However, we are 50% of his sign and 50% of his ascendant, something I did not know. It opened my mind to a lot of things, including my compatibility with my husband. He is ascending Aries, me Capricorn, two horned beasts that sinter quite often but are quite complementary as revealed to us by our birth charts.

You are Aquarius. The astrotheme site indicates that “your ideal is universal fraternity” and that “your humanitarian state of mind makes you aware of the torments of others”. Do you recognize yourself in that?

The facilitator is a support on which the interlocutor will rely, so inevitably, you have to like people. We talk to them, we try to help them. I like to interact with them. There, you only mentioned qualities, Aquarius also has many faults. He likes to be alone. Sometimes my husband, who is a virgin, does not understand. The simple fact of thinking of being alone is anxiety.

You are a Capricorn ascendant, which would make you “of an introverted and cold nature, completely controlled”…

I like to control things. My husband often tells me that we don’t have to plan everything, that it stresses him out. I like when things are framed, when appointments are well scheduled, with precise schedules, etc. It’s my way of breathing, I don’t like the unexpected. On the coldness, it is perhaps less true. From a distance, yes, but when people know me, they see that I am warm.

In your horoscope, Mars is in Capricorn and in the 1st house. This would mean that “you are resistant, solid and able to face any challenge or ordeal”…

Wow, that’s me! I’m not afraid of anything, I get up every time, it’s quite funny. Sometimes I tell myself that I will never recover from such and such a thing, well I do. Afterwards, it’s humans who are like that in general, even if some people more than others. But this description is very accurate, I am happy that mars has reinforced this idea. (Smile)

A little over a year ago, the documentary series Nabilla: Without filter was posted on Amazon Prime Video. Has it changed the way people look at you?

Yes, because there’s still an older generation that doesn’t understand what it is to be an influencer, content creator, brand collaborator… No matter how much you explain to them, for them, being an influencer means doing nothing. For this generation, it gave me a title. The old ones love that, the labels. This allows them to close their little valve. It is something that gives credibility. I’m different when I host and when I’m on my networks, it shows another side of my personality, my hardworking side. I love my jobs, I take them all seriously.

You said at the time: “I want to show that I am not perfect (…) that we all have our worries, that we are just normal people. »

I wanted people to stop idealizing influencers. On the networks, we only share positive things. The day I wake up and it’s not going to be okay, I’m not going to make a post saying “Today, nothing is going to be okay”. It’s also a way for me to show that. I was very honest in this documentary.

What can we wish you for 2023?

Oh dear ! I already wish a lot of happiness to all the readers. Happy new year, good health, success. And love.

That’s probably your Aquarius side focused on “universal brotherhood” talking, but what can we wish for you?

What I would like for me in 2023 is peace, serenity. Frankly, everything I would like, without any pretension, I already have it. When it gets to that point, my wish is just to keep what I have.

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