Ilkay Gündogan and Toni Kroos form the control centre in the DFB game

After the 5-1 win against Scotland, three young DFB strikers are considered new heroes. But their goals would not have been possible without the skill of the old playmakers Gündoğan and Kroos.

It is said of great jazz musicians that their art lies not in the notes they play, but in those they don’t play. It is their skillful omission that makes them masters. Their feeling for what a song needs and what is just filler.

The late work of the artist İlkay Gündoğan, 33, is characterized by this very gift. The only difference is that Gündoğan plays neither the piano, guitar nor double bass, but football. Although there are quite a few observers who consider his ball presentation to be music. Especially during his time in England, at Manchester City, Gündoğan was inundated with metaphors of this kind. The newspapers wrote that he was the conductor of City, the beatmaker, the metronome.

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