Ikea pays unvaccinated employees sick pay for corona illness

High sick leave in UK
Ikea is cutting sick pay for unvaccinated employees

Ikea cuts sick pay for unvaccinated people.

© Ray Tang // Picture Alliance

In the UK, companies are suffering from massive staff shortages due to the Omikron wave. At the Swedish furniture giant Ikea, unvaccinated employees now receive less sick pay if they have to isolate themselves because of a positive test.

The Omikron wave has the UK firmly under control: In many industries, so many employees have fallen ill or at least tested positive for the corona virus that business can only be sustained slowly. The retail sector is also not certain of this development. The Swedish furniture company Ikea is now increasing the pressure on its own employees: Those who are not vaccinated and are infected with the coronavirus will receive less money in the future, reports the “Food newspaper“.

In Great Britain, Ikea operates 21 large branches with around 10,000 employees. According to the “LZ”, a “large part of it is currently failing because of the massive omicron wave”. More than 218,000 new infections were reported to the service.

Unlike in Germany, people who can be shown to have had contact with a corona infected person but have been vaccinated twice do not have to go into quarantine. So the kingdom wants to break through the so-called “pingdemie”. Unvaccinated people who are contacted by the Ministry of Health via the tracer app must, however, still adhere to the quarantine requirements.

Specifically, the announcement from Ikea means: If the employee has no special circumstances, he will receive only 96.35 pounds per week instead of 115 pounds during his Corona isolation period. This corresponds to the statutory minimum sick pay in Great Britain. Ikea recommends that employees who are now concerned should contact their superiors. And a spokeswoman added that one knew that it was an “emotional topic”.

Continued payment of wages in the event of corona illness

In Germany, too, unvaccinated persons are not entitled to be a contact person in a quarantine for compensation in the event of loss of earnings. This applies to November 1, 2021. The situation is different with one’s own illness: If you are infected with Covid-19, the employee continues to be entitled to continued payment.


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