“I saw death”… William Gomis explains his discomfort during the weigh-in before his fight at UFC 301

The images during his weigh-in were chilling. Standing on the scales livid, before his fight at UFC 301, William Gomis felt unwell, and his fight had to be canceled for health reasons. On Saturday, the French fighter explained the reasons for his discomfort in a story on Instagram.

“I had a big problem during my cutting [perdre quelques kilos avant la pesée pour entrer dans la catégorie de poids] which was only 2 kg, explained William Gomis, in much better shape. I’ve already done a lot more, 2 kg is not much. I had a stomach ache, I drank frozen ice cubes from Brazil, it went bad…”

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His manager calls the doctors

“When they wanted to rehydrate me, I started to vomit, my body no longer accepted water,” explained Gomis. They could no longer rehydrate me. After my cutting, I threw up four times in a row, I was throwing up puddles, it was horrible. »

Fortunately, his manager called the doctors who got him out of this state. “I saw death,” concluded Gomis. I’m super happy to be alive and to have made it out. »

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