“I need that” … An athlete explains the violent slaps of her coach

Kayra Martyna Trajdos. Everyone now knows his name and especially his face since Tuesday. Not because of her run at the Tokyo Olympics but because of the slaps she received before a fight. In this sequence, we see the trainer of the German judokate shake her by the collar and then hit her with two huge baffles in the face to motivate her. The images have of course caused a lot of reaction, especially on social networks.

Kayra Martyna Trajdos therefore wished to provide some clarifications: “This is what I asked my coach to do. So please stop accusing him! I need this before my fights to stay awake. The German judokate even laughs at the reactions, adding that these slaps “were not strong enough” because she failed to win the Olympic title.

A call to order of the authorities

“As I said before, this is the ritual that I chose before the competition, she insists, my trainer just does what I ask him to do to warm up! »Despite these explanations from the athlete, the International Judo Federation reminded the coach on Wednesday: “(We are sending him) a serious official warning, following the bad behavior he showed during the competition. Judo is an educational sport and as such cannot tolerate such an attitude, which goes against the moral code of judo. “

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