“I lack any understanding”: Günther Jauch complains about the unvaccinated

RTL moderator
“I lack any understanding”: Günther Jauch complains about the unvaccinated

Presenter Günther Jauch

© Soeren Stache / Picture Alliance

RTL presenter Günther Jauch criticized those who refuse to vaccinate in an interview. They would “take an entire society hostage,” said the 65-year-old. Jauch also commented on the vaccination vortex surrounding Harald Schmidt.

Moderator Günther Jauch has no understanding for people who refuse vaccination against Covid-19. “In principle, vaccination would be the solution if everyone were to be vaccinated consistently. (…) Those who refuse to vaccinate are taking an entire society hostage, because it’s unbelievable how many deaths there are, how overwhelmed our health system is, how People who urgently need operations don’t get it. And very important: the economic consequences for millions of people. I have no understanding for people who don’t want to be vaccinated,” said the 65-year-old in an interview with the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung”. .

Jauch himself fell ill with Corona last year. When his infection became public, an advertising campaign by the federal government for the vaccination appeared almost at the same time. Jauch wanted to withdraw his participation in the action because he was worried about appearing implausible. “I said: You have to take me out of the campaign. It was said that technically it would no longer work. That led to an insane shitstorm for weeks. (…) I couldn’t get out of this number,” he told.

Jauch said of Harald Schmidt, whose vaccination status has been making headlines for several months: “I accept that he does not want to say whether he is vaccinated. After all, there is no obligation to provide information. However, the assumption that he is a chronic opponent of vaccination would make me angry irritate.”

Günther Jauch raves about his friendship with Thomas Gottschalk

He lost kind words in the interview about his long-time colleague Thomas Gottschalk. “We’ve been friends for almost half a century, although we’re certainly ticking differently. He’s just more extroverted and often quicker in the head than I am. He takes the world more on the bright side, while I sometimes find that the glass instead of half full rather than half empty. But it’s not like I’m fit to be a doomsday prophet.” Jauch explained the enormous success of the “Wetten, dass ..?” anniversary episode with a certain longing for nostalgia on television. “The children sit in their pajamas in front of the television, together with their parents and grandparents, with gummy bears and goldfish. In my opinion, Thomas has always served this type of ‘inclusive television’ perfectly.”

On the other hand, Günther Jauch does not have such good memories of his own talk show on ARD. “I wanted to bring together the best of the worlds of private and public television and expand the concept of politics. But I didn’t succeed in doing that in the long term. Too many people from the station talked into me. (…) It was so difficult, that I often no longer had to invest a third of my energies in the preparation, but only in the defense of topics and guests.This led to conflicts with the ARD, because the journalistic independence guaranteed to me by contract did not give me the necessary degree I extended my contract again after three years with a stomach ache, but made it clear with the next extension that I didn’t want to continue working like this,” Jauch described the situation.

He moderated the talk show “Günther Jauch” on Sunday evening from 2011 to 2015. Anne Will then took over the slot again, who had previously had to switch to Wednesday because of Jauch.

Source: “NZZ”


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