“I don’t think anyone wants to own it,” Billionaire Investor Seth Klarman Says About Crypto

Billionaire investor Seth Klarman said: “I don’t think anyone wants to own it (Crypto), to me it looks like it might end in tears,” he added.

American billionaire investor and hedge fund manager Seth Klarman. sharedHis views on topics include cryptocurrencies, gold and the US dollar. In an interview with Harvard Business School

Klarman is the chief executive and portfolio manager of Baupost Group, the Boston-based hedge fund he co-founded in 1982. The investment firm currently manages about $30 billion, according to Forbes. at $1.5 billion

“I don’t see the point of Crypto, I feel like it’s only meant to attract people interested in technology.”

“Why do people want 10 or 50 cryptocurrencies? different? I don’t understand,” the billionaire investor continued.

“I don’t think anyone wants to own it. It seems to me that it might end in tears.”

On the other hand, Klarman said, “I’m a huge fan of gold. and think gold is valuable in times of crisis.”

He also commented on the US dollar: “The United States has had a huge advantage over the fact that the dollar has been the world’s reserve currency for a long time. And that is unlikely to change anytime soon,” he commented.

“It’s hard to imagine people would accept it. cryptocurrency There is too much uncertainty.”

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