Hybrid work – Telekom cuts office space in half – economy

Sooner or later, Deutsche Telekom wants to reduce almost half of its office space in Germany. “Both in Darmstadt and in Bonn, 50 percent of the office space will disappear in the medium term,” said CEO Tim Höttges. “We were oversized in the past because employees were also on site with customers.” In the future, employees should have the opportunity to pursue their work in a hybrid way. The fact that the work area is reduced should not give any indication of how important a location is.

Telekom had previously announced that it had won significantly more customers in the second quarter, despite more consumer-friendly termination rights. After deducting terminations, 194,000 new contract customers were added under their own brand, more than in the same quarter of the previous year, the company said. However, Telekom, like other competitors, is feeling the effects of the changes in the Telecommunications Act (TKG): With 45,000 new broadband connections, the value has more than halved compared to the previous year. Automatically extended contracts can now be terminated after the minimum term has expired after one month and not only after one year.

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