Hurricane Festival: Peaceful party ends with sunshine | – Culture – Music

Status: 24.06.2024 06:22 a.m.

Music, partying and a great atmosphere: tens of thousands of fans celebrate at the Hurricane Festival in Scheeßel near Rotenburg – even in sunshine at the end. The police are also happy.

Tens of thousands of fans enjoyed the last day of the Hurricane Festival in dry and partly sunny weather. It was different on Friday: at times an official warning of severe thunderstorms was in place for the region in the Rotenburg district. In the evening, one of the stages was no longer usable due to heavy rain. In total, more than 80 bands and singers were on the festival program this year. These included internationally acclaimed artists such as the British pop singer Ed Sheeran and the Canadian rock singer Avril Lavigne.

Around 75,000 music fans in Scheeßel

According to visitors, the mood at the festival was happy and exuberant. The organizer FKP Scorpio had expected around 75,000 festival visitors for the weekend. Before the start, around 70,000 of the 78,000 available tickets had been sold.



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Festival is mostly peaceful

From the police’s point of view, the festival was largely peaceful. The number of crimes was therefore relatively low. The head of police operations, Jörg Wesemann, quoted a song title by Ed Sheeran as a summary. From the police’s point of view, the festival was almost “perfect”, said Wesemann. On arrival last Thursday, 27 drivers were initially pulled over because they were under the influence of drugs. From the police’s point of view, however, the legalization of cannabis was barely noticeable on the festival grounds. With more than 70,000 visitors, there were only three reported fights and twelve reports of theft. The low number of crimes shows that the festival was peaceful, said a police spokesman. Around 400 police officers were on duty over the three festival days.

Further information

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