“How tough that match was”, Krumbholz thought the Blue would not pass against Denmark

One more lesson in resilience and one more heroic match to store in the French handball memorabilia cabinet. Tossed about and manhandled like never before by a Danish team sure of its strength in the semifinals of the Worlds, the Blue snatched their qualification after sailing three goals behind until the very end of the match. A somewhat crazy scenario that Olivier Krumbholz appreciated from his sidelines, after a match looking for solutions that did not want to come.

“We suffered a lot in this match, the Danes had gained the upper hand for about 40 minutes, we were struggling in all areas of the game. They were very good. We took the risk of 1-5, with an excellent goalkeeper, an exceptional central defender and forward defender. She certainly got a little stressed, and that was enough for us to get past. But how hard that match was! We were courageous, stable until the end. In attack, we were lucid to serve Pauletta (Foppa), who was clubbed for 60 minutes without the referees moving a finger, that’s part of the game. The opponent in the final? Norway may be the best team in the world, with a lot of experience, and Spain is poison to play, so I have no preferences. “

Only one certainty, the one who will come out alive from this second semi-final will not be delighted to find the reigning Olympic champions, often on a thread but always winning in the end.

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