How to maintain your manicure and keep it intact during the summer?

In summer, the “most popular services in the institutes are hair removal sessions followed by manicures and pedicures”, recalls Katia Challal, the director of theMenasa institute. But this period that we plan to spend our hands in sea water is, however, for many of us, due to holidays, a period without going to the nail technician.

Don’t bite your nails, there is a solution to resist the attacks of the holidays: maintenance. A few useful actions should allow you to preserve your beauty at least for the whole month of July (we don’t promise anything for August).

Three treatments to take to maintain your manicure or pedicure

Cuticle Care. Often wrongly neglected, cuticles give a clean and recent effect to a manicure or pedicure, when they are in good condition. In the institute they cut them, but to take care of them at home, Katia Challal advises using oil to avoid cracks and keep the skin supple. “Also try to massage them regularly to stimulate circulation and promote healthy nail growth,” recommends the professional.

Apply top coat. An extra coat every 7 to 10 days doesn’t hurt to revive the shine of your color, if needed. Just to keep your French fresh and like new.

Hydrate. It’s a shame to have dry or cracked feet 6 days after your pedicure. To avoid this, use a hand or foot cream to keep the skin soft and hydrated and preserve the benefits of your spa treatments. On the feet, adding a scrub won’t hurt.

The 6 things to avoid to preserve your manicure or pedicure

Bathing too long in hot water. Especially if you have a simple varnish, because hot water “can soften the varnish”, and it will eventually flake. If you are going to the sea or the swimming pool, it is better to opt for semi-permanent varnish, much more resistant for these types of activities. Otherwise, it will be necessary to “clean your hands thoroughly after swimming so that salt water or chlorine does not compromise the quality and shine of the varnish”, recommends the director of the Menasa institute.

Cleaning without gloves. It’s no surprise to anyone, LDetergents can dry out and damage your hands, especially varnish. Before washing dishes or cooking, put on your gloves!

Exposure to solvents. Products containing alcohol or solvents can obviously dissolve the varnish. We’re running away from them!

Scratching and excessive friction. Avoid using your nails as tools to scratch off labels, scrape surfaces, or to open cans and packages. These actions can alter the color of the varnish, break a nail or weaken it.

Direct shocks. Try to protect your nails from blows and impacts, during sports for example. Be careful, even tapping on keyboards, screens or other hard surfaces with your nails “can damage them,” warns the professional.

To bite one’s nails. A guilty pleasure remains a sin. Not only does this damage the polish, but it also makes them more brittle. » Leave your nails away from your mouth, it will be easier to admire them.

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