How the star fell for the forged Hitler diaries

The publication of the false Hitler diaries in 1983 was the greatest disaster of the star-Story. In 2018, the author Malte Herwig was able to listen to the recordings of the conversations between the procurer and the forger. They became the basis for the star-Podcast “Faking Hitler”. Now the story can also be seen as a TV series on Vox.

“I found some relaxation by painting nudes,” wrote Führer’s hand in the diary without a period or comma. “Will work with drawing pad and pen as often as time permits.”

In July 1935, affairs of state seemed to be very demanding for Adolf Hitler once again. To compensate, he doesn’t engage in trivial pastimes – a guide doesn’t play golf! – but the most demanding, most beautiful genre of art: the naked muse. At least that’s what the diary leader writes.

If Eva knew that, the reader thinks and learns in the very next paragraph that the erotic graffiti in Hitler’s house actually caused trouble. It says sheepishly: “I had a little argument with E.”

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