How the film “Titanium” intends to convince Hollywood to vote for it

After the Palme d’Or, the Oscar? Titanium has just been chosen to represent France at the Oscars. Julia Ducournau’s film with Agathe Rousselle and Vincent Lindon was ahead North Bac by Cédric Jimenez, big public success, and The event by Audrey Diwan, Golden Lion in Venice which will be released in France on November 24.

This disturbing and sulphurous tale about a woman falling pregnant from a truck was chosen by France to defend our colors, but only a handful of foreign films will be selected. Not sure that it appears in the final list announced at the beginning of 2022. “It is in any case a good idea for France to have chosen such a different film, explains to 20 minutes Didier Allouch, correspondent for Canal + in Los Angeles. Titanium is a real phenomenon in the United States where he triumphs at the box office and a small cult is developing around him. He therefore has every chance of being in the final selection. “

The same distributor as “Parasite”

Jean-Christophe Reymond, the producer of Titanium, no longer feels joy. “It’s great to see that it is a work that speaks to young people, both a genre film and an author’s film, which has been selected,” he confides to 20 minutes. We considered ourselves outsiders now it’s up to Eon, the American distributor of the film, to campaign for the film to be noticed by voters. And said company Eon knows the Oscars like the back of his hand: this distributor is also that of Parasite Korean Bong Joon-ho who left with no less than four statuettes in 2020.

Such a prestigious fate could await Julia Ducournau, because the Academy of Oscars has not said its last word. “I wouldn’t be surprised if Titanium is also mentioned in other categories that only the foreign film, insists Didier Allouch. I have rarely seen such a craze. When I did micro-sidewalks, I didn’t have a single negative opinion. Americans are impressed because they don’t know how to make this type of cinema. “

Tough competition

It is only at the beginning of 2022 that we will know if Titanium appears in the five foreign films nominated for the Oscars. Feature films from renowned directors such as A hero by Asghar Farhadi or
Julie (in 12 chapters) by Joachim Trier are also well placed. “Getting to the nomination is our goal,” says Jean-Christophe Reymond. We are in a happy wait-and-see attitude. »The last French film to have known this honor is Wretched of Ladj Ly who left empty-handed, beaten by Parasite in 2019. But Didier Allouch wants to be optimistic for Titanium. “I can already see myself welcoming Julia Ducournau on the red carpet”, hopes the correspondent of Canal + in the United States. We keep our fingers crossed with him.

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