The bac was reformed from 2018, but its reform … will also undergo a facelift. The Ministry of Education announced on Monday the new developments planned. Inspired by the work of the baccalaureate monitoring committee, these changes will be further discussed with the unions in early July. 20 minutes explains to you what could await the students as of the 2022 semester (if they are adopted).
A modification of continuous monitoring
The continuous assessment would always make up 40% of the student’s mark, and the final exams 60%. But the methods of evaluation of the pupils could change, in order to privilege “a logic of full continuous control”, declares the rue de Grenelle. The common tests, these homework on the table organized during the year, could be removed from the next school year. Until now, they have focused on the subjects of the common core (modern languages, history-geography, EPS, scientific teaching for the general path, or mathematics for the technological path) and on the specialty abandoned in 1st. . And counted for 30% of the final mark. They had already been canceled in 2020/2021 due to the health crisis. And were already widely criticized, because accused of being too early in the school year and putting too much pressure on the shoulders of high school students and their teachers …
According to the ministry, this development would allow “more flexible continuous monitoring”. But this hypothesis does not please Snes-Fsu and Snalc: “Our organizations will not be able to accept a strengthening of continuous monitoring”, thus jointly declared the unions. According to Snes, continuous assessment reinforces inequalities between students, because not all are assessed with the same severity depending on the establishment. “The referral to the local assessment, without any national framework, amplifies inequalities, puts students and teachers under the pressure of a permanent assessment,” said the union in a statement. An objection to which the ministry responds by ensuring that “national benchmarks would be distributed to teaching teams, so that equal treatment of students is preserved”. They will have an assessment guide and a national subject bank, from which they can draw to give homework to the students.
On the other hand, this possible change is to the liking of SNPDEN, the union of school leaders, who considered that the common tests were complex to organize in high schools.
Changes in coefficients for materials
The coefficients of the disciplines which were the subject of common tests (modern languages, history-geography, EPS, scientific teaching or maths) could change. All these subjects would have a coefficient of 6 (3 in 1st and 3 in Terminale), against a coefficient of 5 in the current system. Specialty education abandoned at the end of the first year would be credited with a coefficient of 8, and moral and civic education would receive a coefficient of 2 (1 in first, 1 in terminale). The latter would therefore be better valued than at present.
The options would also change coefficients to benefit from “greater consideration”, according to the Ministry of Education. An option followed in 1re and Terminale would thus benefit from a coefficient of 4, and an option only followed only during the year of Terminale a coefficient 2. The options would also be limited and should not exceed a total of 14 of coefficient ( a pupil could for example follow three options in 1re and Terminale, and another only in Terminale).
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