How Moscow is restructuring its espionage – politics

Since the start of the war of aggression against Ukraine, Europe has expelled almost 500 Russian diplomats and four consulates have been closed in Germany. But Moscow is not so easily cut off from information: how the Kremlin is rerouting its channels – for example in Bonn and Vienna.

The Palais Hohenzollern on Maria-Theresia-Straße in the noble Munich district of Bogenhausen has seen better days. The blinds on the ground floor of the 120-year-old magnificent building are drawn, behind the house there is a discarded refrigerator, and the bronze sign of the former owner of the house has been unscrewed. Only the prints of blood-red paint bags on the ocher-yellow facade and withered flowers in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack near Moscow indicate that this was the home of the Russian Federation consulate until the beginning of the year. Two brooms lean against the wall of the house in the courtyard, as if the consul and his staff had been swept out.

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