How does reading lead to enjoyment?

Can we make love by reading words? Take pleasure in books evoking sex, if you have never had a sexual experience yourself? People who write erotic works, including Guillaume Apollinaire, Anaïs Nin, Oscar Wilde, are they sexually obsessed? By which works to discover this literature, which is fully part of the so-called “general” literature?

Discover an emancipatory literature

To answer in our podcast “Minute Papillon! », Camille Moreau, essayist, doctor of art philosophy. She published the literary and philosophical essay Read, write, enjoy, when the text becomes flesh to Editions La Musardine (2022), which aims to demonstrate that the text accompanies the erotic experience, but that it also has the capacity to arouse this experience, even to constitute it.

“I would advise readers to be curious, underlines Camille Moreau, not to be afraid to ask a bookseller [des ouvrages de littéraire érotique], because booksellers will not be put off by this request. Erotic literature is not as secret as one might think, historically it has a strength in general literature. So, there is something to find happiness.

Camille Moreau also advises linguists and philosophers to read. In this exchange, the author invites you to discover the writings of Roland Barthes, Jean-Luc Marion and Belinda Cannone, because “they set out to untangle the problems that are present in society around questions of sexuality. This allows us to clean up our minds made confused by all that we are told about sexuality, all that we are trying to make us swallow, as standards and injunctions”.

Your questions to [email protected]

“Tout Sexplication” is a weekly interview meeting where we discuss sexuality, health and society. If you have questions on these themes, we send them to health professionals, experts, key witnesses so that they can answer them in a podcast. How to do ? Write us a message at: [email protected]

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