How “Checker Tobi” makes education fun – an interview

If children want to have fun while learning, they turn on “Checker Tobi”. His namesake, Tobias Krell, talks about good pedagogy – even without a state exam.

“I’ll check that for you!” Tobias Krell has been explaining the world on the children’s channel Kika for ten years: With his knowledge program “Checker Tobi” he makes education fun. This also works outside of television: Krell is now coming to cinemas with his second film.

Mr. Krell… or should we call you Checker Tobi?
Depends on who you want to talk to. With Tobi or with Tobias Krell?

With Mr. Krell.
Checker Tobi will definitely have something to say too.

Can you still distinguish between the characters?
The boundaries are fluid. Of course there is a lot of Tobias Krell in Checker Tobi. The show probably wouldn’t be as popular if I only played a role in it. Children notice when something is not real.

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