Hot in front! It will be up to 23 ° C this weekend in the South West

the Anglet “lunch bath”, on the Basque coast, should attract people on Sunday lunchtime. After two years of absence, the return of this festive event – where it is advisable to show up in a bathrobe, bow tie and with a bottle of champagne – should indeed take place under a spring sun, according to the forecasts of Météo-France for this weekend.

The meteorological organization predicts dry weather on Saturday December 31 and Sunday January 1 over the entire south-west quarter of France, with temperatures expected to reach “up to 23°C on Sunday towards Biarritz and Bayonne. »

A little higher, we should also have “19°C on Saturday and 20 to 21°C on Sunday near Bordeaux”. Enough to take a good breath of fresh air on the Atlantic coast, to evacuate the excesses of New Year’s Eve. This wave of mildness will not only affect the South-West, since it will cross France and we will should have 17°C also on the Strasbourg side.

Global warming

It is therefore “a remarkable mildness” that will affect part of France, underlines Ludovic Delannoy, forecaster at Météo-France, “with temperatures of around 9 to 10 ° C above normal season ” . For Météo Express, we could even beat temperature records over the weekend…

“This phenomenon is explained by the arrival of a south-westerly flow during the night from Friday to Saturday, which will bring a mass of warm air to France from the Iberian Peninsula” continues the forecaster from Météo-France.

If we should thus be able to take advantage of the ocean beaches for this weekend of passage towards the new year, we can only worry at the same time about a phenomenon which is the umpteenth consequence of global warming, after a year marked by the fires in the South-West… “This mildness at the end of December is indeed a trend that is occurring more and more often, observes Ludovic Delannoy, and we should encounter it more frequently in the coming years, even if there is no no guarantee that it will occur at the end of each December…”

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