Horst Seehofer slanders Markus Söder – Bavaria

Back in school, there were always those who suffered a moderate nervous breakdown before returning a class test. Or seemed to suffer. They would not have known anything, they complained, they would definitely get a five, and in general they would have no idea about Latin. It was always the ones who afterwards – of course – got an A and then acted the absolute surprise. No, they really would at all not counted. Already clear. I just didn’t want to hear any more.

And there were those who had already known. That it would have been of no use at all to do the homework because the teacher only sets unsolvable tasks anyway. Or vice versa, that they would have said right away that an ex was coming up and that was why they had just learned. Nobody wanted to hear either.

Horst Seehofer has just analyzed that it would not have worked with Markus Söder as candidate for chancellor. The problem was not the candidate, but the content. The Union had neglected social policy and therefore lost many votes to the SPD. It’s just stupid that many in the CSU have set up so nicely with the legend that it was only the wrong candidate, namely the one from the sister party, who screwed up the federal election. Nobody wants to hear anything else.

Well, at least Seehofer did not say that, strictly speaking, Söder has not really rocked an election since he won the highest offices in Bavaria. And he didn’t say that he himself, Seehofer, had at least got back the absolute majority for the CSU in the state parliament before it lost Söder again afterwards. He didn’t mention the legendary “50 plus X” or even made it a target.

Seehofer could have said that he had always known that Söder had “character weaknesses”, as he attested to in his absence at a CSU Christmas party in 2012, and that the man was prone to “filthiness”. That this has been shown in the fratricidal battle with Armin Laschet. That Söder was a bad loser.

Didn’t Horst Seehofer say anything. One or the other might have wanted to hear it.

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