Homosexual handball player: Krzikalla after coming out: “Hide and seek is finally over”

Gay handball player
Krzikalla after coming out: “Hide and seek is finally over”

Relieved after coming out: Lucas Krzikalla. photo

© Ronny Hartmann/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

After his public coming out, gay handball pro Lucas Krzikalla is relieved.

After his public coming out, gay handball pro Lucas Krzikalla is relieved.

“I needed this degree so that this game of hide and seek is finally over,” quoted the “Bild” the 28-year-old from SC DHfK Leipzig. “Especially at the beginning it was really difficult and I was at odds with myself, withdrawing myself so as not to attract attention.” The left-hander hopes: “Maybe others will find the courage now.”

As the first active German team athlete in one of the four major professional leagues, Krzikalla made his homosexuality public in several interviews over the weekend and received a lot of encouragement for it. “His outing shows healthy self-confidence in the best sense of the word. And I very much hope that such a step will be seen as very normal in our society in the foreseeable future, because it’s always about people,” said DHB- President Andreas Michelmann said.

Interview “Welt am Sonntag” Lucas Krzikilla profile New autograph card Krzikalla Instagram post Lucas Krzikilla report MDR report at bild.de


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