Hoarseness: These home remedies relieve the symptoms

Against hoarseness
Did you scream yourself hoarse during the European Championship games? These home remedies will help

Hoarseness and law and freedom: watching football is an emotional thing

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Watching football can sometimes lead to loud outbursts of emotion. People cheer, moan, shout – sometimes until they lose their voice. These home remedies will help you get rid of hoarseness quickly.

Croak. You’ve just been shouting at the striker to shoot the ball into the goal and not over it, you’ve been gloating about the referee’s bad decisions, and now you can barely utter a sound, your voice is weak. Hoarseness can have many causes, including infections and colds, allergic reactions and even psychological stress – but also overuse of the vocal cords. In most cases, the symptom is harmless and goes away after a few days at the latest, but hoarseness is still unpleasant. These simple home remedies can support the healing process.

Simple tips against hoarseness

  1. If you want to get rid of your hoarseness quickly, you should use your voice as little as possible. Whispering and clearing the throat can be detrimental to the recovery process, as it does not relieve the strain on the vocal cords, but rather places additional strain on them.
  2. Drink lots and lots. The Fluid intake is essential for hoarseness, as it keeps the mucous membranes moist. This can help to relieve irritation. Lukewarm drinks such as sage or ginger tea with honey are best. The drinks should not be too hot or too cold. Eating ice cream should also be avoided.
  3. Inhale can also provide relief from hoarseness. A steam bath with chamomile or saline solution is suitable for this.
  4. The Gargle with salt water can help reduce inflammation in the throat. Simply dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and gargle several times a day.
  5. Even by sucking Cough dropspreferably sugar-free, can keep the mucous membranes moist.
  6. If the air in your home is too dry, this can lead to the mucous membranes drying out. This in turn can make hoarseness worse. A simple remedy for too little humidity is shock ventilation.
  7. The right thing Breathe can also help keep the throat moist. It is recommended to breathe through the mouth instead of the nose when you have a hoarse throat.
  8. On the Smoke and also the consumption of alcohol should be avoided if you have hoarseness, as this, among other things, impairs the immune system.

Home remedies can help relieve hoarseness, but they are not a substitute for a visit to the doctor. If you have severe pain, worsening symptoms or persistent hoarseness that lasts longer than a week, it is advisable to see a doctor.

Source: Pharmacy magazine, Utopia , Health information, ENT doctors

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