Hitler salute shown: security staff at European Championships suspended

European Championships
Hitler salute shown to Israeli athletes: employees of a security service suspended

Israel flag in Munich’s Olympic Park: A security guard at the European Championships showed Israeli athletes the Hitler salute.

© Ina Fassbender / AFP

Anti-Semitic incident at the European Championships: When a delegation of Israeli athletes visited the memorial site for the terrorist attack during the 1972 Olympics, a security guard gave them the Nazi salute.

During the European Championships in Munich, a security guard is said to have shown the members of an Israeli delegation the Hitler salute. As the police reported on Wednesday, the 19-year-old was immediately arrested on Tuesday evening by a police officer who had observed the crime.

According to police, 16 officials and athletes from Israel were in the Olympic Park to visit memorials to the terrorist attack on the Israeli national team at the 1972 Olympic Games. One of four folders from a Berlin security service was observed by the officer during the tour as he made the forbidden Nazi gesture, the police reported. The delegation itself is said not to have noticed anything. In the attack by a Palestinian terrorist commando in Munich in 1972, eleven Israeli athletes and coaches and a German policeman died.

Hitler salute shown: employees suspended and reported

The security service employee from Berlin was reported for using unconstitutional license plates and was later released by the police. The suspect was excluded from all further EM events by the organizer, as were his three colleagues. The state protection of the Kripo is now conducting further investigations.


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