“Hit Machine”, “Beijing Express”, “The Voice”… What to watch on TV from February 7 to 13?

“What are we watching tonight on TV? “An eternal question that runs through the heads of millions of French men and women on a daily basis. Fortunately, 20 minutes is here to relieve you of that weight! Each week, the editorial staff concocts an anthology of the three programs that make the event, that tickle our curiosity or that everyone will talk about.

“Fire burns, and water wets. This major musical work from the end of the 1990s can be listened to again this Tuesday on W9 on the occasion of the return of hit-machine, for one evening only. Charly and Lulu will take over the stage at the Dôme de Paris to welcome L5, Larusso, Worlds Apart, Tragédie, Willy Denzey… Yes, it’s a real nostalgia shot that we’ll be entitled to.

Thursday will be the end of rhinestones and sequins. On the contrary, it is in the heart of Kyrgyzstan that the fifteenth season of Beijing Express on M6. Called “In the land of the golden eagle”, this edition will be an opportunity to travel to Dubai through a 100% new route. Eight pairs will compete for victory out of a total of 90,000 applications received, a record.

You can enjoy your weekend by closing your eyes and imagining yourself comfortably seated in a red armchair. Saturday evening, the first voices of the eleventh season of The Voice will be heard on TF1. Will Florent Pagny succeed in winning his foal another year? Before sitting down on your sofa to watch these three programs, we review it all on video in a new issue of the TV Brief.

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