Hermann Unterstöger as a trombonist – culture

Since his youth, Hermann Unterstöger has dedicated himself to the sonorous, vocal, but also blaring sound of the trombone. The first attempts with a gifted instrument turned into a passion that continues to this day. Unterstöger, a long-time “Streiflicht” author, draws a line from the beginning of his career to his performances as an experienced trombonist in his Bavarian homeland. Detours included: the autodidact became a student eager to learn, the slightly strenuous Adorno follower – no “strumming and fiddling” – became a convinced dilettante. Today Unterstöger is there in Altötting wherever he is needed: at church services, May devotions, Advent markets. He frankly admits: “If I had in cash what I need to be ready for a concert, I would be out of the woods.”

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