Heavy thunderstorms and gusts of wind announced for this afternoon

It is still hot in the South West of France this Monday. The high temperatures, which should reach 33° in Bordeaux and 36° in Toulouse during the day, will be accompanied in the afternoon by showers locally in Aquitaine and Midi-Pyrénées, and especially thunderstorms, a priori brief but intense. .

“Gradually this afternoon, the threatening weather with a few showers and sometimes thunderstorms extends to a large southwest quarter as far as Vendée, Poitou, Limousin and the south of the Massif Central. And above all, a more marked stormy salvo crosses Aquitaine in the direction of Midi-Pyrénées then the Gulf of Lion in the evening”, indicates Meteo France in today’s forecast bulletin.

In some places, the temporary rains will be sustained, embellished with hail and strong gusts of wind blowing up to 90 to 100 km / h.

According to the website Keraunos, this phenomenon is due to “an altitude anomaly positioned this morning over northern Portugal which will reach the Bay of Biscay during the evening. In an unstable south-westerly flow, cyclonic activity will increase significantly over a large south-west quarter of France on Monday, ”explains the French Observatory of Tornadoes and Severe Thunderstorms. These thundery showers will progress towards the north and east on Tuesday.

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