Health: 209 claims for damages against corona vaccine manufacturers

209 claims for damages against corona vaccine manufacturers

Lawsuits have been filed against the vaccine manufacturer Biontech. photo

© Lino Mirgeler/dpa

Numerous people report health problems after their corona vaccinations – and want to take legal action against the manufacturers. More than 200 lawsuits are currently pending.

More than 200 claims for damages against producers of According to a media report, corona vaccines are with the courts in Germany. “There are currently 209 claims for damages against the manufacturers of Covid 19 vaccines pending in court,” the “Welt am Sonntag” quoted the Federal Ministry of Health as saying.

On Monday, the district court in Rottweil will hear the lawsuit filed by a 58-year-old against Biontech. The man accuses the pharmaceutical manufacturer of suffering from a massive deterioration in vision in the right eye as a result of the corona vaccination. The Mainz-based company considers the man’s accusation to be unfounded.

The Hof district court in Bavaria dismissed a woman’s lawsuit against Astrazeneca in January. After severe health problems, which she attributes to vaccination with the company’s Covid 19 vaccine, she sued the company for damages and damages. The court based its decision on the fact that neither a product error nor an information error in connection with the vaccine could be identified. The Higher Regional Court of Bamberg will now deal with the appeal against the decision in July.

When the corona vaccine was procured via the EU, it was agreed with the manufacturers that if the lawsuits were successful, the respective member states would pay the manufacturer’s compensation and legal costs. According to a report by the European Court of Auditors, this does not apply if the damage was caused intentionally, through gross negligence or non-compliance with good manufacturing practice applicable in the EU.


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