He had attempted to murder his stepdaughter, twenty years in prison

The Vendée Assize Court followed the requisitions of the public prosecutor. A 60-year-old man was sentenced Wednesday evening to twenty years in prison for attempting to kill a young woman on March 26, 2019 in The rock on yon. The victim is none other than the accused’s daughter-in-law.

Claiming to have some business to sort out, the latter had taken this thirty-year-old to a cellar in his residence and brought her some many blows to the head through objects such as a barbell. Seriously injured, she had survived.

Retained premeditation

The Assize Court ruled that the meeting was a trap and that it was an assassination attempt, reports West France. The sexagenarian recognized the violence, but not the premeditation, arguing that an argument had gone wrong.

His relationship with his daughter-in-law had deteriorated sharply since the death of his 33-year-old son from a heart attack a year earlier. The accused reproached the young woman for having delayed in notifying the emergency services.

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