Having children: These 100 things nobody tells you beforehand

When you decide to have a child, you think of the good things. But no one talks about how overwhelmed you can be and how often you will cry – and not just from joy. We are changing that.

This text comes from the stern archive and first appeared in September 2023.

1. That children’s songs are the cruelest earworms ever.

2. That doubts, guilt and worries are always part of life, just like love and happiness.

3. That an incredible number of parents self-righteously gossip about their children – and that daycare can therefore be a social minefield.

4. That you can miss your old life and it feels like homesickness in your own bed.

5. How bad childbirth can be.

6. That you can’t go to the toilet well after giving birth – and you should use a measuring cup of water instead of toilet paper.

7. That during the postpartum period, visits should be limited to one hour a day.

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