Have you participated or attended this race? tell us

And here we go again for a race. They will be thousands to take the start of the legendary Paris marathon on April 3. On the program: a 42.195 km crossing of the capital starting from the Champs-Élysées, at the Place de la Bastille, from the Bois de Vincennes to the Bois de Boulogne, along the banks of the Seine…

A journey under the eyes of many spectators, who came to motivate and encourage the brave riders of the event. The opportunity also to (re) discover the emblematic monuments of the City of Light.

Did you participate in the Paris Marathon? Why ? Do you keep a good memory of it or on the contrary, did you suffer? Did you repeat the experiment? Did you get to enjoy the scenery? What would be your advice to future runners to stay on course for the Parisian event? Are you a loyal marathon spectator? Is it fun to watch? Why are you going to attend the race? Have you discovered corners of Paris?

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