Have you had an aesthetic shock in front of an unexpected work? tell us

Nuit Blanche will celebrate its 20th anniversary next year. The Parisian cultural event accompanied the rise of art in the public space. Several cities thus have their meeting dedicated to contemporary art, whether it is Lille 3000, Liberté! in Bordeaux, Concrete rose in Toulouse, The trip to Nantes, A summer in Le Havre… We forget some.

Free and uninhibited, these exhibitions outside the walls of museums have become almost commonplace. Each time, these events present original and surprising works to attract the widest possible audience.

What memories do they remain?

But what do the public really take away from these works? At the moment, the packaging of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, a posthumous work of Christo and Jeanne-Claude, is provoking many reactions. Passers-by are, as they wish, moved, wary, annoyed, astonished… But few remain indifferent to the work.

You have undoubtedly, one day or another, come across an unusual work of art in the public space. What did you think of it? Have you ever been surprised, shocked, moved, upset, annoyed by one of these works …

Tell us in comments or in the form below. Your answers will be used to write a future article.

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